Wild at Heart artist-led gallery tour
Join me for a tour of my new solo exhibit at A.P.E. Gallery in Northampton MA. Through New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2018.
Join me for a tour of my new solo exhibit at A.P.E. Gallery in Northampton MA. Through New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2018.
I may have forgotten to mention that I’ve chosen SEVEN of my endangered species paintings for limited edition prints, in two sizes: 14″ x 14″ or 20″x 20″ (plus an inch all around for the white border). No prints are larger than their original painting, so my 16″ paintings (such as Indah on the left […]
The timing of my visit to the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita was just about perfect. Their six new African elephants who came over from Swaziland in March were finally all comfy with each other and with Stephanie, the resident 45-year-old, and all could share their five-acre yard together. Here are five of seven, new matriarch Stephanie […]