“Better Angels: The Firefighters of 9/11” is 343 portraits of the firefighters who died on 9/11. Each painting is rendered in black, white and raw umber on a 6” x 4” burned block of baltic birch. Displayed in seven rows of 49 columns, the portraits span 48” by 21 feet.
From January 12 through November 6, 2016, Better Angels was on extended display for 10 months at the Wood Museum of Springfield History in Springfield, MA. (springfieldmuseums.org). For the 20th anniversary, it featured for three months at the Corazon de Trinidad Cultural Center in Trinidad, CO. More updates are always on the betterangels911 website.
All 343 portraits can be seen individually on the Better Angels website. The site also has a place to leave comments or remembrances about any of the men, and an archive of stories, photographs and videos from Better Angels’ 11-city national tour in 2011-2012.
In addition, the artist maintains a Facebook page, posting one firefighter portrait each day, in order by Company, along with a short anecdotal bio.
- The artist with NYC Fire Commissioner Salvatore Cassano and Ron Siarnicki, Director of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, NYC 2012